There are many most common eye problems and complex, which is bad in some cases due to lack of awareness among some people, some eye problems serve as what we call deform the moral is, since birth, and there are problems emerging from the age of 10 to 12 years, which may already be present before this age, but neglect to see a doctor at an early age exacerbates the problem when he grows up the child. Should be examined The boy from the age of 5 years.
- The most common eye problems of the retina:
Network alone may suffer from many diseases, including the genetic diseases, the worst to this day, not a solution.
- The most common eye problems of laziness in the eye:
Laziness may affect one eye and may be forced to adopt a child in the consideration of the other eye on the sound and view of the young age think that this is something normal and not tell his family the subject, with the passage of time exacerbated the problem and the solution becomes difficult. most common eye problems The laziness in the eye disease is very common in Lebanon and the Arab states in the world as a whole, and treatment is possible if discovered early in life, on the contrary, there is great difficulty in healing after puberty when the child. I note here that some schools are to inspect the eyes of her students are asked of each student's reading from a distance of certain lowercase letters, and a useful initiative and help many children to detect the problems of the eye in early, but this disclosure is not flour 100%, possible to refuse was born, for example true reading of which is not necessarily suffer from some deficiency in his eyes. I stress here that in the event of problems in the eye when one of the members of the family for the child it is recommended early detection to the attention of the child.
- most common eye problems Strabismus:
The solution is to have a surgery and then cover the eye and the development of glasses. And pointed out that there are two types of the year, the type where both eyes anew to the outer corner of the eye, or vice versa to the interior angle of the eye, and another type where the eye is correct and the other where there is about, and this situation as a result of the laziness of a former eye is not detected early and, in some cases not be lazy here and fortunately no cure, on the condition that does not neglect the eye of each patient is not difficult to treat.
- Lack of consideration: (The picture shows behind the retina)
Its symptoms when batting boy given a lot, always possible that there is sensitivity in the eye, and possible myopia, and to make sure must visit an eye doctor and Optometry and its symptoms are also pain in the head, where can a child read for a long time, because it strains the eye muscles.
- Myopia: (image appears in front of the retina)
most common eye problems Its symptoms is not necessarily a pain in the head, Someone in this situation do not see distant objects and tries to bring the distance to see clearly, for example, if we see that the child is sitting very close to the TV and stare, to see, or about the book and face much can read. May appear in the eye and redness but this is not a symptom of myopia is the result of the effort of the patient's eye to get a clear vision.
- Cataracts in children:
most common eye problems It includes a check congenital defect, which affects the child since birth, and treatment can be the life of months, it has been done the blue water for a child over the age of three months. The infected child's eye as a result of a collision event in the head, blow to the head, dropping of the Child on the bed, for example, and symptoms of this disease appear white in the iris of the eye.
- most common eye problems pressure that leads to the black water:
It is important to check eye pressure starting from the age of 40 because there are no symptoms at the beginning of the problem, and when the aging problem is exacerbated, to reach the stage of a very bad, and therefore I hope the examination, from the age of 40, for me, personally conducted examination eye pressure automatically without asking the patient, and I have discovered many cases in the beginning, without the patient feels any symptoms. If the pressure of the eye disease has reached an advanced stage, there is no solution of the so-called death of nerve Unfortunately, there is no alternative to the nerve. We can change the water glass to the eye, lens, cornea,we try to repair what can be repaired but we can not replace the retina.
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