- Definition of retinal detachment surgery:
separation is the separation of the retina, retinal light-sensitive layer of the eye that is sending visual signals through the optic nerve to the brain. When the retina separates this class of sensitive natural place and, if not immediate treatment to them when they move from place lead to the loss of separation vision, that a person blind.
In some other cases may be exposed to tear the retina in some small places, and these areas called "Rip networking" or "holes in the retina," which in turn also lead to separation feed.
Retinal detachment begins on natural starting place of the parties and then moves to the center, may occur in a gradual and partial or may occur suddenly and kidneys. Separation is called retinal detachment surgery networking for the placenta, the placenta is responsible for delivering food to the retina and separation means the separation of her food, which leads to disruption of its function and become vital.
- Symptoms of retinal detachment surgery:
- Increased the number of sudden floating objects (Floaters), these objects floating specks floating in the field of vision and / or a flash of light.
- Display the other is the emergence of what looks like a curtain that had brought down and blocking vision.
- To see things like objects, such as a ripple in the water or waves.
Network interface and secession is a medical emergency, and any person suspected of symptoms of separation by the immediate recourse to an eye doctor.
- The grounds for retinal detachment surgery
Who is being subjected to threats of secession?
The separation occurs at any age of man and both types of males and females, but it is more common after the age of forty and affects a greater proportion of men than women and more whites than blacks. The separation more common among the following persons:
- Which suffers from severe myopia.
1- Suffering from the separation of a web in the other eye.
2- Which has a history of hereditary in the family situations of separation feed.
3- Who have undergone cataract surgery.
4- Suffering from diseases and other disorders associated with an eye like:
5- Diabetic retinopathy.
- Types of retinal detachment:
There are three different types of retinal detachment surgery:
A - Self-detachment of the retina surgery :
Is a rupture or hole occurs in the retina, causing leakage of fluid under the retina and separated from the placenta, the layer responsible for supplying food to the retina, this type is the most common types of separation.
B - separation Running :
This type is less common that in the former, and occurs when the tissue is composed of fibrous (or been pulling) updated the web holes.
C - separation sprinkler :
This type of separation does not cause holes in the retina, but caused by eye diseases and inflammation, which can lead to leakage of fluid under the retina, causing a separation feed.
Treatment of the retina (retinal detachment surgery):
1 - laser therapy:
If the separation small can be treated in the clinic does not require the patient into the operating room, and are treated here by using a laser beam, which burns the tears in the retina, which leads to fibrosis and the fibrous tissue to meet the parties to these holes, cracks or ruptures and thus prevent leakage of fluid under network and a separation layer between them and the placenta.
2 - Treatment freeze :
Here is frozen tissues behind places rupture and, hence, fibrosis of the parties to bridge the disruption, using (Nitrous oxide), and this is a simple procedure in the clinic by an eye doctor and a local anesthetic.
3 - gas treatment :
You can use this treatment in addition to the two types of ex-freezing treatment and treatment laser for more installed network and return it to its natural place. The gases used in this treatment:
is not recommended to travel by air when there are bubbles in the eye.
Address the separation of these gases were maintained in the top of the eye, which is injected into the vitreous body in the eye, bubbles of these gases or air where the float and rise to even higher pressure on the retina and re-sticking because the body absorbs these bubbles and replace fluids.
The body absorbs gases from 2-6 weeks.
The absorption of the air faster than 1-2 weeks ago.
4 - packed solid eye:
Is put a bandage or a ring of silicone (Silicone band) on the solid pressure on the retina is established in place, and this episode is not visible, but it does increase the length of the eye to it on them, potentially leading to myopia or increase in the palace if there is in the original. Treatment, freezing, laser beams, it is recommended by the packed solid with the eye.
5 - Remove the vitreous body :
When separation with a significant bleeding in the vitreous body, it is removed and be a substitute for injecting air or gas or silicone oil (Silicone oil) or Celine fluid pressure on the retina to stick to the wall of the eye.
- Complications retinal detachment surgery:
- Infections of the eye.
- Bleeding in the eye.
- The White Water.
- The blue water.
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