Vitamins For Eye Health

Essential vitamins deficiency of the eye may cause vision problems
Vitamins are
divided into two parts, vitamins are soluble in fat and soluble in water
Soluble vitamins fat-1 -
A soluble vitamins in the middle of greasy before it is absorbed in the blood to carry out its functions, and the surplus stores in the liver; for this reason, the body does not need to supply these vitamins every day. This section is vitamin:
(A) - a, (D) - d, (E) - e, and vitamin K (K)
Vitamins are soluble in water: 2 -
A soluble vitamins in a water before it is absorbed and the surplus is not stored in the body, but presents with urine. Therefore, the body needs to supply on an ongoing basis through food.
vitamins for eye health group:
(B) - b and (C) - c
Fall under this section.

Vitamins are soluble in water easily lost during storage or food preparation; still have to use special means during storage or preparation of foods rich in these vitamins to reduce the loss, including the cooling of fresh produce, put milk and cereal (maize and wheat) away from strong light also address water resulting from cooking vegetables (broth) soup.

What are the essential vitamins for the eye?
Essential vitamins for eye health include vitamin A, E, C, B 2, b 1 and b 12.

Vitamin A (A)
Vitamin "A" of the most important vitamins for the eye
Manufacture of dye

1 - a purple pigment found in the optical receptors of the retina called the Rods, composed character is a result of a protein with a vitamin" A". The importance of this dye in the eye as it allows for adjustment during the dark (dark adaptation)
Therefore, any deficiency in this vitamin will adversely affect this adjustment process and, accordingly, will be affected by vision in dim light.
2 - Maintaining the integrity of the tissue lining the surface of the parts of the body (epithelial tissues) and constitute one of the tissue layers of the cornea of the eye.
3 - Since the vitamin "A" is one of the antioxidants it works to reduce the incidence of cataract in the lens of the eye, especially in the elderly, because the white water is a result of oxidation processes inside the lens, which cause the loss of lens transparency, and thus gradually to consider.

vitamins for eye health

Shortages could lead to:
1 - the inability to see in dim light is known as the evening night .
2 - severe drought for an eye
This includes the emergence of white tissue collected in the part of the conjunctiva
This results in cirrhosis of the tissue cells and surface- spots in addition to dryness, corneal ulceration and eventually lead to blindness.
- Vitamin "A" only in animal sources such as eggs, liver, meat and dairy products (margarine, butter, yogurt, milk, cheese).

Vitamin E (E)
The importance of vitamin E because it protects all the vitamins are soluble in fat oxidation, by preventing the union with oxygen that leads to a loss of effectiveness. Because this vitamin is an antioxidant, the synthetic forms of it are used to reduce the incidence of white water.

vitamins for eye health
Sources :
Often contain most of the food on vitamin E and is cottonseed oil, margarine (vegetable ghee factory) and peanut oil are good sources of this vitamin. Vitamin E is also in the corn, nuts, olives, vegetable oils and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C (C)
The level of vitamin C in the eye decrease with aging; but the supply of food rich in this vitamin reduces this shortfall, also vitamin C, vitamin A, as have is he is working to reduce the incidence of white water as an anti-oxidant. It is worth mentioning that the effectiveness of vitamin C a maximum When combined with vitamin E.
Sources :
The different kinds of oranges and lemons are excellent sources of vitamin C, as well as tomatoes, strawberry, white sweet potatoes, green peppers, broccoli, peas, spinach and lettuce.

Vitamin B-2 (B2)
Involving vitamin B-2 enzymes in the installation of two types of escorts enzymes and help escort role in the oxidation
processes that occur within cells; also release energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats of all these processes to protect the eye as it may help reduce the risk of cataract.

vitamins for eye health
Shortages could lead to:
- Conjunctivitis
With the appearance of blood vessels around the cornea
- Opacity in the lens of the eye

Milk and eggs.
Legumes and cereals.
Lean meat and fish.
Green vegetables

It should be noted that smoking prevents improvement in the situation with this disease because it works on the inhibition of absorption of vitamin B 1, and 12 through the body tissues.

vitamins for eye health
Their sources :
Vitamin B-1 in the non-peeled whole grains, especially rice can also be obtained from meat, fish, legumes, peanuts, fenugreek, mint and parsley. The vitamin B 12 existent, meat, eggs, milk and milk products. So you might suffer vegetarians (those who rely on vegetables and plant foods as food to them) from a lack of vitamin B-12, and that the lack of plants for this vitamin.

Eye Protection Safety

A new study has shown that the "rack" eye (to close the lid and quickly slot) automatically is not random and is intended to prevent or to prevent blindness.

1 - Medical examination of the eye:
How many times you go to an ophthalmologist for eye exams?
Full medical examination of the eye called "examination expand Iris" where the eye doctor put drops in the eye works to expand the pupil to be able to view near the existing inside the eye. This may not be detected under examination by a doctor who is the person during the course of measurements for glasses or contact lenses new, so must ask the doctor about this test and students.

Possibility of reducing the risk of eye disease and loss of consideration, if:

eye protection safety
1 - avoiding smoking.
2 - dealt with healthy foods.
3 - controlled in blood pressure rates.
4 - Protect your eyes from the sun.
5 - I have maintained activity and vitality.

Control of blood pressure rates:
That person should try to adjust the rates blood pressure is not this for a healthy heart, but also to protect the matter. What do blood pressure negative effects on the eye is a likelihood of contracting cataracts or exposure to diabetic retinopathy if the person has diabetes.

Eye protection safety from the sun:
What is caused by ultraviolet radiation from the adverse impact on the eye?
1 - white water.
2 - skin cancer: The cancer that affects the eyelids, and facial skin in general.

3 - burns from the sun mirror on the cornea as a result of excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (b) to spend long hours on the beach or snow without a protection from these rays. And symptoms of painful and lasts from one to two days may result in the loss temporary blindness.
On first aid for sunburns
4 - UV exposure to the eye of some diseases in the long term life of rights, such as corneal sunburn, which is called inflammation of the cornea of the light, which lead to the loss of vision in the interim.

- How to protect your eyes from UV rays?

eye protection safety
1 - wear hats to the edges to block sunlight on the face.
2 - sunglasses, solar capable of absorbing about 99-100% of both UV (a) and (b).
3 - Contact lenses designed to absorb ultraviolet radiation, but are not considered alternative sunglasses because they cover an area of the cornea, not only protects the entire eye or surrounding skin.
4 - early diagnosis of symptoms appear in the eye of redness or inflammation.
5 - Note to complain about any symptoms such as inability to read for a long time (especially children), not watching TV from a distance, there is about in one eye because this is causing 6 - to move away from traditional medicine to address particular kohl eye, could cause abrasion of the cornea due to penetration of microbes and then to an infection.

Eye protection safety in the workplace:

Why is eye protection safety an important role in the workplace?
Eye injuries are common in the work, and you need these injuries to rest on one or more of the work .. And about 10-20% of the total work injuries may cause temporary blindness and kidney.
Experts believe that to provide proper to the eye protection safety reduces the risk of injury or avoided by 90%.

- What are the most common causes of eye injuries?
1 - blowing fine particles of mineral or glass.
2 - sharp tools.
3 - chemicals.
4 - exposure to radiation.
5 - any antecedent causes combined, or when exposed to other risks.

Prevention of chemical risks:
- Wear protective glasses when using hazardous chemicals and detergents.
- Follow the
instructions accompanying any product by the chemicals.
- Do not mix detergents with each other even.
- Eyeglasses are not sufficient to protect the eye from the risks.

Myopia Eye Surgery

Causes of myopia eye surgery and how to cure

The shortsightedness of the main disadvantages of refraction of the eye, which is rare in newborns, and increase the incidence rate of 10% of children in the early stages of age and to 20% between the ages of 10 and 20 years.
The cause of myopia:
We do not know for sure the real reason for short-sighted, and therefore, there are several different theories or opinions explain that .. It may be all the opinion of a role in a short-sighted .. But we must enter into consideration all these views ..
Certainly, the cause of the disease is the first step towards treatment .. It is here to list the different views that explain a short-sighted ..

1-Genetics play a big role .. Therefore, two people were not paired at both very short-sighted .. Especially if accompanied by changes satisfactory at the bottom of the eye, so as to ensure that the transmission of this defect to future generations.
2- The short-sighted defect in the composition of some people.
3- Some cases of endocrine disruption may be accompanied by a short-sighted .. It is supported by the marked change in the degree of myopia
eye surgery during the period of puberty: increased myopia with the growth of the body.
4- Some cases of lack of nutrition has been accompanied by short-sighted .. Especially the lack of calcium.
5- increase the incidence of myopia eye surgery in some species such as the Germans and Japanese.
6- recently demonstrated that the use of permanent eye in reading and other is definitely not conducive to the shortsightedness .

Symptoms of myopia or patient complains mm short-sighted:
Supports the onset of symptoms to the degree of myopia in degrees of a simple person but do not complain of lack of clarity of visualization remote ..
Such as writing on the cinema screen and television .. Or do not distinguish the features of a person coming from afar, or number of non-discrimination on the bus yet .. But such a person reads clearly without glasses and without any sense of fatigue or effort on the eye .. The degrees of myopia, medium and large, in addition to the lack of clarity of visual long-wise, a sense of fatigue the eye after reading, for example, and feel the person will not be able to continue to read, and strain the eye has quickly see the person points or leads or forms a black moving in front of his eyes and called (the fly plane) has improved the eye sometimes blare of light .. The eye annoys bright sunlight .. May turn infected shortsighted to narrow the opening eyelids (sharing a eyes) to see clearly the remote visualization .. This way, a person with a defect in fracture Try to successfully and can you, dear reader to do so .. And you'll find you see more clearly, but this method is laborious and impractical as they would alter the shape of the face .. The patient may resort to very short-sighted book very much closer to his eyes to see the characters clearly, and this rounding more than another burden on the muscle dynamics of the eye.

Advantages of myopia eye surgery: broken light on the cornea, lens. Change the lens shape in order to break the light more or less, depending on the body after it, so that formed a clear picture on the retina.
Fortunately, everything has its advantages and disadvantages .. Brevity of a spot defect even without glasses for work of the following acts: Jeweler, a digger, watchmaker, and other acts that require clear vision near .. If this is not using glasses: As with the use of glasses he can practice almost any action.
In the short-sighted eye will be big and beautiful, unlike the eye small puncture in the eye socket in the length of .. His short-sighted, may be able to read without eyeglasses at the age of forty, at a time when the natural person to consider, one that sees a good visual remote glasses read out clearly, and it needs the length of the consideration to wear spectacles: one to see the videos and other close and reading.

Malignant myopia eye surgery:
May be called this name on the few cases of shortsighted, which are accompanied by changes satisfactory, and damaging parts of the eye, in these cases is recommended (in addition to the above-mentioned treatment) placement of a child school special rehabilitation, hear where the child rather than see, and learn to ear more Learn which eye, and these schools qualify the person for the work of gaining a living by using the other senses, which is blessed by it. More reliance on the eyes.

myopia eye surgery and separation website:
It is known that medium and large degrees of myopia may be associated in the bottom of the eye in the retina pathological changes. But the last occurrence of this disease is not restricted to short-sighted people may happen in any other eye.

Hence always advised people not to work short-sighted eyeglasses without checking the bottom of the eye periodically, at least every year, in order to check on the status of the retina ..

Well advised to expedite the doctor to examine the bottom of the eye:
If you fly the plane suddenly appeared or increased suddenly.
If the repeated appearance of a flash of light (lightning) in the dark.
This is the only way to discover the web separation in early and then can be cured completely after a surgical treatment necessary.
Let us consider each eye complains that accused until proved to scrutiny of the bottom of the eye.

treatment of myopia eye surgery:
The hope of many people sighted in healing so that they can dispense with the use of eyeglasses .. And the occasional flashing of this hope and more than .. Some newspapers, including published scientific news on this topic.
The fact of the matter .. This kind of treatment for myopia , is concerned that doctors also preoccupied patients completely Many attempts made to realize this hope, and shortening the length of the eye, or extract the lens crystal to lose power refractive of the eye, or surgery of the cornea to change and lose its refractive. It was announced after all these attempts initial success of this surgical treatment.
But .. Surgical attempts and success of the initial thing, and the circulation of that type of treatment is something else .. Been noted so far that cheer for each of these attempts, quickly fades .. The reason for this is that the affected eye very short-sighted (which may be advised to undergo surgery) was appointed sick, do not bear the shock of surgery in many cases .. I will not mention anything about the complications that may occur as a result of surgery .. Man does not dare to deny the likelihood of such complications.
And therefore is not recommended, as soon as atonement in myopia eye surgery ..
At least at the moment.