What is LASIK?
The laser correction eye surgery (LASIK) is a surgical procedure intended to improve your view and reduce your reliance on glasses or contact lenses. This means that you can enjoy a comfortable growing in your lives normal. Especially if you are active and those who enjoy sports or other activities, that LASIK gives you the opportunity to participate in your activities without being tied to Favorites wear glasses or contact lenses. Furthermore, the laser vision correction (LASIK) can eliminate the risk of long.
Can be used as laser eye correction surgery to deficiencies in the following:
- Myopia
- The length of
- Astigmatism
- Very soon, reading glasses
Maximum depends on the correct number of factors such as the thickness of the cornea and iris size and imaging of the eye, and there should not be any barriers within the eye such as glaucoma or white.
Age is possible to perform the operation? -
Can be conducted laser eye correction surgery at any age, but according to the circumstances of each case, meaning that they can perform this operation for children when there is a big difference in the size of the glasses between the eyes, in this case can be made the process of the eye vulnerable if the child is unable to afford eyeglasses so as not to weaken the eye. And possible in the situation of older persons, provided the absence of other eye diseases as mentioned above. The Age appropriate they are generally 18 years old, and the reason for this is to increase the proportion of stable size glasses at this age, so we do not have to re-LASIK again.
-What are the steps involved in the operations room and the time it takes?
Laser eye correction surgery does not take more than ten minutes, and the process under the influence of topical drops (psychedelic drug), and the patient feels any pain during the operation, and then I feel a sense of burning light for 2-6 hours.
All that is required from the patient, not a movement not to touch the eye and respond to some of the instructions given by his doctor during the operation.
After transferring the patient to the waiting room to see the doctor again and return the patient to the house.
-What then are the instructions after the procedure?
Vision after laser eye correction surgery a direct and clear and the patient feels as if it were seen through the fog will this feeling for a few hours. You are advised not to drive immediately after the operation. Can be seen in the patient's TV or read what I liked on the day of surgery that can help it. In the meantime, can scan the forehead and cheeks with a damp cloth taking care not to touch the eye. Is strictly prohibited forgot the eye for 48 hours. And patients can deal with whatever he wants after the operation. Doctor examines the patient during the first 24 hours after the operation.
What are the complications that may occur after the operation?-
After the dramatic advances in technology, the complications of LASIK are extremely rare, for example:
Correction of over-or at least required, can be treated with the increase or decrease the reuse. Continuing blurred vision after the operation, very rarely continue this complaint more than two weeks.
Will I get the strength of eyesight 6 / 6 after the operation? -
LASIK is an alternative to glasses, if the strength of vision glasses before six it can be on the process to give you the strength of eyesight 6 / 6, but some eyes suffering from a condition called lazy in the sense that the eye can not 6 / 6 glasses medical seizures despite the absence of any disease, and in this case will give the operation the patient's eyesight, which was given by her glasses before the operation.
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