How to improve eyesight? Eat nutritious foods. these are part of the basic requirements of having a good eyesight. We have to make sure that everything is under our control, from the food we intake up to the things we do.
- Are you beginning to notice a deterioration in your eyesight and want to jump on it before it gets any worse? Relax, no need to panic here as there are natural ways to approach this. The focus of this article will be to expose you to how to improve eyesight naturally.
-In addition to working to improve your eyesight naturally you must be aware of how to take care of your eyes properly and one of the simplest ways is not to watch television too closely and not to spend too much time at a computer screen either.
-The most common cause of blindness is macular degeneration, which you can prevent with natural remedies discussed here, so read the entire article and you will be well on your way to learning how to improve eyesight naturally as well as to protect it.
-How to Improve Eyesight
Here are some simple natural methods for improving eyesight naturally and protecting it as well;
1 - Zinc: Zinc is a mineral that basically combines the needs of the cells in the body, zinc helps to strengthen the cells of the eye.
2-Fish Oil - Fish oil contains powerful compounds that can prevent macular degeneration and other eye problems as well. Fish Oil contains the very important Omega 3 Fatty Acids, DHA and EPA, which have been shown to prevent eye degeneration.
3-Vitamin A and the eye requires Vitamin A to function. The light sensitive cells situated behind and inside the retina require this vitamin, and if these cells do not function, no visual picture reaches your brain. Vitamin A and its precursors are found in a variety of foods, including sweet potatoes, liver and eggs.
4-Vitamin E - Vitamin E has been proven to be a powerful antioxidant that slows the onset of macular degeneration and also protects the retina. Available in much of the food you eat. Vitamin E is found naturally in eggs, nuts, milk and leafy green vegetables
5-Vitamin C - This is another well known antioxidant that supports Vitamin E in protecting your tissues and improving your overall eye health. Some eye care professionals suspect that persons short of dietary Vitamin C are prone to developing macular degeneration, a condition that leads to loss of vision in the centre of your visual field.
So there you have 4 simple natural supplements that help you to protect and improve your eyesight naturally. There are many other things that you can do as well. Your diet is also a critical factor in the preservation of your eyesight. Teaching children not to strain their eyes from a young age will help keep their vision sharp for years to follow.
-How to improve eyesight
Use Sunglasses to Protect Your Eyes
You can deter or possibly eliminate age related eyesight deterioration by taking steps to protect your eyes throughout your lifetime.
If you don't already wear UV resistant sunglasses, the sooner you start the better. Sunglasses are a fashion statement, plus they make us more comfortable in conditions of bright light. However, that is not the extent of their usefulness. Good sunglasses screen for ultraviolet light, therefore decreasing your chances of developing cataracts and cancers of the eye (ocular cancers).
-Weak eyesight is a common problem of the day. Even tender aged school going children may also be seen using spectacles due to weak eyes. Its main symptoms are following:
1• The objects of long distance
2• Seeing hazy or dim from eyes
3• Short sight and Long sight
4• Burning in eyes
5• Watering of eyes
6• Heaviness of head during study
7• Persistent Common Cold
You are correct that sunglasses can be worn for the protection of our eyes. But still it is better to restore your vision and get rid of glasses
For details you can visit http://bit.ly/eraIYp
Its really an superb article. it has given me some very good pointers. Thanks for the share.
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