A new study has shown that the "rack" eye (to close the lid and quickly slot) automatically is not random and is intended to prevent or to prevent blindness.
1 - Medical examination of the eye:
How many times you go to an ophthalmologist for eye exams?
Full medical examination of the eye called "examination expand Iris" where the eye doctor put drops in the eye works to expand the pupil to be able to view near the existing inside the eye. This may not be detected under examination by a doctor who is the person during the course of measurements for glasses or contact lenses new, so must ask the doctor about this test and students.
Possibility of reducing the risk of eye disease and loss of consideration, if:
eye protection safety
1 - avoiding smoking.
2 - dealt with healthy foods.
3 - controlled in blood pressure rates.
4 - Protect your eyes from the sun.
5 - I have maintained activity and vitality.
Control of blood pressure rates:
That person should try to adjust the rates blood pressure is not this for a healthy heart, but also to protect the matter. What do blood pressure negative effects on the eye is a likelihood of contracting cataracts or exposure to diabetic retinopathy if the person has diabetes.
Eye protection safety from the sun:
What is caused by ultraviolet radiation from the adverse impact on the eye?
1 - white water.
2 - skin cancer: The cancer that affects the eyelids, and facial skin in general.
3 - burns from the sun mirror on the cornea as a result of excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (b) to spend long hours on the beach or snow without a protection from these rays. And symptoms of painful and lasts from one to two days may result in the loss temporary blindness.
On first aid for sunburns
4 - UV exposure to the eye of some diseases in the long term life of rights, such as corneal sunburn, which is called inflammation of the cornea of the light, which lead to the loss of vision in the interim.
- How to protect your eyes from UV rays?
eye protection safety
1 - wear hats to the edges to block sunlight on the face.
2 - sunglasses, solar capable of absorbing about 99-100% of both UV (a) and (b).
3 - Contact lenses designed to absorb ultraviolet radiation, but are not considered alternative sunglasses because they cover an area of the cornea, not only protects the entire eye or surrounding skin.
4 - early diagnosis of symptoms appear in the eye of redness or inflammation.
5 - Note to complain about any symptoms such as inability to read for a long time (especially children), not watching TV from a distance, there is about in one eye because this is causing 6 - to move away from traditional medicine to address particular kohl eye, could cause abrasion of the cornea due to penetration of microbes and then to an infection.
Eye protection safety in the workplace:
Why is eye protection safety an important role in the workplace?
Eye injuries are common in the work, and you need these injuries to rest on one or more of the work .. And about 10-20% of the total work injuries may cause temporary blindness and kidney.
Experts believe that to provide proper to the eye protection safety reduces the risk of injury or avoided by 90%.
- What are the most common causes of eye injuries?
1 - blowing fine particles of mineral or glass.
2 - sharp tools.
3 - chemicals.
4 - exposure to radiation.
5 - any antecedent causes combined, or when exposed to other risks.
Prevention of chemical risks:
- Wear protective glasses when using hazardous chemicals and detergents.
- Follow the instructions accompanying any product by the chemicals.
- Do not mix detergents with each other even.
- Eyeglasses are not sufficient to protect the eye from the risks.
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