Operations (LASIK)
- laser eye surgery risks Which is about to do some surgery on the front of the eye and these processes reduce the use of the person to contact lenses or glasses
These surgeries are most often on people who have a short-sighted LASIK is an outpatient surgical procedure that normally
Takes 10 to 15 minutes for each eye.
-This is now popular to a large extent and most people find happiness where she achieved remarkable success as is their return to work within a few days
Where this process re-formation of the cornea through techniques constantly being updated.
But there is a risk of laser eye surgery risks and other side effects, but all of which can be treated easily and the potential side effects are infection and can happen at any time after surgery
It could be infection because:
1 - Make-up
2 - Swimming Pools
3 - Perfume
But can be treated by topical antibiotics both before and after the operations.
-And there could be danger in the eye when you enter to a foreign substance, such as: hair, or a grain of sand, behind the cornea and that this occurs may face the pain and sensitivity to light, blurred vision, while it should not rub the eye, as this leads to further complications such as: infection and this usually occurs as a result of the patient's failure to exercise proper precautions during the recovery period after eye surgery.
-The information provided here is not intended to scare you away from LASIK eye surgery, since it has been a blessing to a great many people. For many who have chosen LASIK, it has meant that they are no longer dependent on corrective lenses in order to have good vision. It’s highly recommended that you talk with your doctor about LASIK and how any possible risks or side effects relate to your own personal circumstances.
-Another laser eye surgery risk is to develop serious dry eye syndrome. After surgery, your eyes might not be able to produce enough tears for keeping moist. This not only produces discomfort, by can also reduce quality vision due to permanent blurring and other problems. This eye condition may be permanent. It is usually treated with intensive eye drop therapy, but other procedures can also be used.
-As with any surgical procedure, there are a variety of complications. Care must be taken to select the right Lasik eye surgeon for your specific needs and also to decide of Lasik eye surgery is the right procedure for you. The most important factor in successful surgery is to find an experienced surgeon, who will monitor your follow up care, and be there with you if you find yourself having any of these complications.
-There may come a time when laser eye surgery risk is non existent given the rapid rate in which technology is advancing. Right now though, the risk is always there and longer term side effects are still a little unclear. However, the benefits most patients have experienced through this type of procedure during the past ten years has been remarkable and remember, if you are deemed an eligible candidate for eye surgery, the final decision is always in your lap to make.
-Certainly lowers the opportunities for human error in safe laser eye surgery risks.
Person suffering from Dry eye condition can feel uncomfortable due to the inability to moisten the eyes. This could even cause problems in normal vision.