What is Glaucoma?
-Glaucoma (glaucoma, cataract or glaucoma) is a disease of the optic nerve (which is carrying the images we see to the brain) due to high pressure as a result of the former would receive eye damage in the tissues of the optic nerve is like a power cable that has a tremendous amount of wire high. The optic nerve contains a very large number of nerve fibers is damaged by the impact of glaucoma which causes blind spots to form inside the eye (loss of parts of the visual field of vision). If untreated disease is damage to the optic nerve completely and thus lose their ability to eye vision.
Is a disease of glaucoma when the public water blue, in fact, be called by that name is a common mistake as there are no blue water inside the eye, but came to the naming of the concept of the word glaucoma among the ancient Greeks, which means the Falls blue, because the patient occasionally observed halos blue on the light source gives the impression that the water inside the blue eyes.
-Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in older people and can prevent blindness due to glaucoma if treatment is started early enough.
eye drops for glaucoma
A lot of people do not notice these blind spots until after the damage a large part of the optic nerve. In the case of full damage to the optic nerve that can lead to full blindness. Therefore, the diagnosis and early treatment of glaucoma are the main factors for the prevention of blindness from this disease.
-Glaucoma is an important cause of blindness in the United States. At least two million Americans have glaucoma. Almost 900,000 of these people are visually impaired due to their glaucoma. Almost 80,000 Americans are legally blind due to their glaucoma, with legal blindness being a visual acuity of 20/200 or worse with correction in the better eye. It is the most frequent cause of blindness in black Americans.
The genetic inheritance of glaucoma is still unclear. However, a family history of glaucoma has been found in up to 50% of patients with the most common type of glaucoma, known as primary open-angle glaucoma.
One type of glaucoma occurs in people who have had a history of being hit in the eye (e.g. soccer ball). Not only can they get a rise in pressure initially after the injury, but they also may develop glaucoma years later. All of these things stress the importance of regular eye exams.
Chronic Glaucoma
Chronic glaucoma is one of the main types of the condition. For chronic glaucoma eye drops are usually prescribed to begin with. The drops will reduce the amount of liquid in the eye and improve drainage. It is imperative that patients continue to use the eye drops every day even if their vision seems good. A patient’s sight may appear normal but it could be getting worse without them noticing. According to the RNIB many patients with glaucoma often stop taking the eye drops because they believe the glaucoma is under control. However if a patient doesn’t continue to use the eye drops as prescribed their sight may become gradually worse and they could lose their sight.
How do I know if I have glaucoma?
Unfortunately glaucoma is typically associated with painless and progressive loss of vision that may escape detection by the patient. This once again stresses the importance of a thorough eye history and examination, especially in patients with a family history of glaucoma. Only one type of glaucoma called angle-closure glaucoma is associated with a red, painful eye with blurred vision and even possibly nausea and vomiting. This is due to very high pressures resulting FROM a block in the drainage system of the eye. Most patients at risk for this type of glaucoma have structural differences in their eye which could be identified prior to an attack and preventative treatment could be performed. Rarely do patients with other types of glaucoma develop pressure high enough to have pain and redness.
Good discussion for unknown illnesses here.There is a power of knowledge which is related to availing the latest treatment available for the disease and thus cure of it.
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