Symptoms Of Macular degeneration associated with aging a disease of chronic eye, which is a major cause of severe vision loss for those who are at the age of sixty and older, is also a leading cause of blindness for adults in all parts of the world
In contrast to the prevailing belief is not blindness - caused by macular degeneration associated with age certainly can not be avoided in old age, so your protection purpose in the adoption of methods of health care Bhaltkm, and you visit an eye doctor regularly.
What is macular degeneration associated with age
Disease can macular degeneration associated with age affect the central visual acuity that is needed in activities that require a "look straight ahead", such as reading, driving and vision of an hour hand and face recognition
In some cases, macular degeneration, it is progress so slow that you noticed that a slight change in vision, at other times, progress rapidly, resulting in a rapid loss of sight, although that does not cause you pain but Isbak the ability to see things in front of you
There are two types of Symptoms Of macular degeneration associated with age, one dry and one wet
Dry macular degeneration associated with age.
Cause dry macular degeneration associated with aging in 85% of cases of atrophied with age-related macular and the death of retinal cells with high sensitivity to light, which directly affects the vision of the front straight
Key symptoms: light is blurred vision and usually develop dry macular degeneration associated with age slowly, but it has the potential to develop into another form fiercer called wet macular degeneration associated with age
Wet macular degeneration associated with age
Cause Symptoms Of macular degeneration wet associated with age in 15% of the incidence of this disease, he is responsible for expensive cases of blindness by causing blood vessel growth anomaly behind the retina and under the spot, this can lead to bleeding or have scar tissue (scar), or may cause in permanent damage, and develop damage at a rate faster than the dry type, with a tendency to cause more loss of the sharp feature vision or central vision of the front straight, and if the disease is detected in a timely manner of any early, then you may be able to certain methods of treatment used in dealing with macular degeneration, wet associated with age in reducing or delaying sight loss
Other risks to help the development of Symptoms Of macular degeneration associated with age include the following: -
1 - Smoking.
2 - Genetics: It seems that people are the descendants of Caucasian descent are more vulnerable to the risk of illness.
3 - Family History and evidence of infection.
4 - a diet that lacks eating certain types of vitamins and minerals at an adequate food.
Included the symptoms of Symptoms Of macular degeneration associated with age following signs: -
1 - opacity and confusion and a decrease of visual acuity or central vision of the front straight (lack of visual acuity).
2 - to see a black dot in the courtyard of the central vision (the central dark).
3 - to see things wavy or curved disorder (Vision).
4 - see the colors dull and not too bright (loss of sensitivity to distinguish between colors).
Is there any I could prevent infection atrophied with age-related macular
1 - your eyes subjected to regular check-ups because the detection and early treatment of macular degeneration associated with age helps reduce and delay loss of vision of the Central.
2 - Stop smoking.
3 - Eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidant, such as vitamin (a) and vitamin (c) and vitamin (e) .
4 - Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays .
5 - consult with your doctor about vitamin supplements in your diet .
6 - Exercise regularly.
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